Current career opportunities

The following career opportunities are now available at the Residential Tenancies Authority. Once you click the apply button, you will be directed to the Smart Jobs Queensland website to complete the application process.

Some of the advertised roles may support the RTA's transformation journey - an agenda of change projects, programs and initiatives that will help us to respond to the diverse and growing needs of Queensland's rental sector. Find out more about our transformation.

Manager Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)

Flexible Full Time
Closing date
27 Nov 2024

Your application should contain:

  • ​Cover Letter - Maximum of 2 pages outlini​ng how and why your skills and experience are suit​ed to this position, specifically relating to the functions outlined within the Your Key Responsibilities section of the position description, and the vision, results and accountability indicators for the leadership com​petencies outlined in the Leadership Competencies for Queensland Framework
  • Resume​
  • 2 referees