Extending a tenancy

Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Further changes began on 30 September 2024. Learn more.

Periodic agreements

A periodic agreement continues indefinitely until the tenant or property manager/owner gives notice to end it.

Fixed term agreements

No new agreement: if the tenant has not been given notice to leave and a new agreement has not been put in place, the tenancy continues as a periodic agreement under the same terms and conditions of the original agreement.

No changes to the agreement: the tenant and property manager/owner can sign a letter or statement with the new dates.

Changes to the agreement: a new tenancy agreement will need to be put in place.

The rent can be increased between two fixed term tenancies if the tenant and property manager/owner agree and it has been at least 12 months since the last rent increase. 

It is an offence under the Act to increase the rent in less than 12 months. The 12-month period applies even if the last rent increase was related to a different tenancy agreement with another tenant or by a previous manager or owner of the property.

As required by the Act, the property manager/owner must include the date of the last rent increase for the premises in the tenancy agreement (Form 18a/Form 18b/Form R18).

Tenants have the right to request written proof of the last rent increase during the tenancy, and the property manager or owner must provide this information within 14 days. However, these requirements do not apply in the following cases:

  • Exempt Lessors: the Act outlines who qualifies as an exempt lessor.
  • For properties purchased between 6 June 2023 and 6 June 2025: the requirement to include the date of the last rent increase in the tenancy agreement and to provide evidence of a rent increase upon the tenant’s request does not apply if the new owner or property manager does not have information about the previous rent increase.
  • For properties being rented for the first time: the date of the last rent increase is the date the property is first rented.

Note: A property manager/owner is considered to have evidence of the last rent increase if they or their agent (such as a real estate agent, property manager, or lawyer) has this information.  

If you are concerned the rent increase may be less than 12 months since the last increase for the residential premises, you can ask the property manager/owner in writing to provide evidence of the last increase.

Some rent increase rules do not apply to exempt property managers/owners. The Act provides definitions for an exempt property manager/owner. 

For more information, please visit our Rent increases webpage.

Updating your fixed term agreement end date

The RTA needs to keep your bond information current. If you have recently extended your fixed term agreement (i.e. you have renewed your agreement with a new end date) or you are moving onto a periodic tenancy at the same rental property, please update this information online. 

How to update your bond information with the RTA: 
  • Have your rental bond number handy. You can find this on your bond lodgement receipt letter or a recent email you may have received from the RTA. 
  • Have a copy of your latest tenancy agreement (Form 18a/b or R18), which will list your new end date (if you are moving onto a periodic agreement, you can also let us know this. 
  • Update your details using RTA Web Services. You will need to verify your identity securely through QGov with 100 points of Australian Government issued ID. You may have already completed this process when your bond was lodged.  
  • If you’re unable to use RTA Web Services, you can use our paper-based form or call us. 

Important: You must have approval from the property manager/owner if you want to change or renew your tenancy agreement. The end date provided to the RTA should match the end date of your tenancy agreement.

If you are ending your tenancy and leaving the rental property, you can read more about the steps you need to take including understanding the vacating process and getting your bond back.  

Check and update your contact details online to ensure the information is up to date in preparation for your refund.  Don’t forget to update the bank account you’d like your bond refund to be paid to.