Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Learn more about the changes and what they mean for you.
The RTA is the statutory body that administers the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 and the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Regulation 2009.
The Act outlines the rights and responsibilities of tenants and property managers/owners in residential renting (which includes caravan parks and rooming accommodation) in Queensland. It sets out what to do if issues arise during a tenancy and explains what can be done if someone breaches the Act.
Simplified information from the Act is available on this website or by calling the Client Contact Centre on 1300 366 311.
To stay up-to-date with the latest Queensland tenancy information, news and updates, sign up to RTA News.
Copies of the Act and Regulation
Order copies of the Act and Regulation from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel website.
Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (RTRAOLA Act) came into effect on 6 June 2024 and amended the following legislation:
- Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008
- Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Regulation 2009
For more information about the RTRAOLA Act, please visit our Ongoing rental law changes webpage.
Housing Legislation Amendment Act 2021
The Housing Legislation Amendment Act 2021 (HLA Act) came into effect on Wednesday 20 October 2021 and amended the following legislation:
- Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008
- Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Regulation 2009
- Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation (COVID-19 Emergency Response) Regulation 2020 (expired 30 April 2022)
Changes from the amendments are being implemented in phases over a three-year period to ensure the sector has sufficient time to prepare for, understand and adopt the changes.
- The first phase, which commenced immediately on 20 October 2021, introduced greater domestic and family violence protections for tenants and residents.
- The second phase, which includes legislation changes around renting with pets, ending a tenancy and repair orders, commenced on 1 October 2022.
- The final phase of changes introducing minimum housing standards, came into effect for new tenancies (including renewed tenancy agreements) from 1 September 2023 and for all remaining tenancies from 1 September 2024.
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Amendment Regulation 2022 (RTRA Amendment Regulation) released on 22 July 2022 provides further information about the tenancy law changes.
Read about the background of the HLA Act.