Privacy plan

Privacy plan

The RTA is committed to protecting our clients' privacy.

The Information Privacy Act 2009 (Queensland) (the Privacy Act) gives all members of the public the legal right to access and amend their personal information. It requires the RTA to safeguard personal information it holds and disclosures can occur only when the individual it relates to provides consent or where it is required and authorised under law.

The Privacy Act is based on privacy principles which establish the rules agencies, such as the RTA, may collect, use, store and disclose personal information and how members of the public may seek access and/or amend their personal information.

The RTA collects personal information from clients to perform key functions in accordance with the Act such as: information and education services, dispute resolution services, rental bond, management services, statistical and research services, policy development and advice services and an compliance and enforcement service.

The RTA Annual report provides more information about our services.

Without personal information the RTA cannot provide secure and relevant client services, particularly for bond custodial services and dispute resolution. Protecting the privacy of clients has always been a key part of normal RTA operations when performing services and has been further formalised through the development of the RTA Privacy plan.

This Privacy plan outlines what type of personal information the RTA collects, how it is handled and how clients can access and amend personal information held by the RTA. It has been developed in accordance with Queensland Government requirements.

More information

For more information about privacy contact the RTA or contact the Office of the Information Commissioner.