Signature record (Form 8)
v5 24Jan25
The Signature record (Form 8) is used to register with the RTA all names and signatures of people authorised to sign RTA forms.
The Signature record (Form 8) is used to register with the RTA all names and signatures of people authorised to sign RTA forms.
The Signature record is used by property managers/owners and registers the names and signatures of people authorised to sign RTA forms.
A new signature record must be signed by all authorised people and lodged with the RTA as soon as there is a change in authorised signatories. This form will replace all previous signature records.
Failure to provide current signatures can result in delays with bond refunds.
It is recommended that the signature records are updated every 3 months.
If there has been a change of ownership and/or management of the organisation, complete a Change of property manager/owner (Form 5).
Lodging the form
- email: scan completed form and email to (size limit 5MB)
- post: RTA, GPO Box 390, Brisbane Q 4001
It is an offence for a person to knowingly give the RTA documents that contain false or misleading information. This applies to all forms of written communication to the RTA, not just submitting online forms. It also applies to anyone who provides information to the RTA, not just tenants/residents and property managers/owners.
Keep a copy for your records.