General tenancy fact sheets

Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Further changes to maximum bond amount, bond claims, compliance provisions and rent, bond and other payments commenced from 30 September 2024, as part of ongoing rental reforms. Learn more about the changes and what they mean for you. 

Minimum housing standards came into effect for new tenancies (including renewed tenancy agreements) from 1 September 2023 and for all remaining tenancies from 1 September 2024.

These fact sheets have been prepared specifically for tenants and property managers/owners in general tenancies in Queensland: houses, townhouses, units and houseboats. These types of accommodation are covered by the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act).

The RTA has also produced a range of fact sheets for tenants/residents and property managers/owners or providers living in or managing rooming accommodation, caravans and moveable dwellings. These are available on the Rooming accommodation fact sheets and Caravan parks (moveable dwelling) fact sheets pages.

Ending a tenancy agreement for managing parties fact sheet

Tenancy agreements can only be ended in accordance with the Act. There are processes that must be followed to end an agreement lawfully, including using the approved form to provide reason for ending the agreement and allowing the right amount of time for the notice period.

893.7 kB Download

Ending a tenancy agreement for tenants/residents fact sheet

Tenancy agreements can only be ended in accordance with the Act. There are processes that must be followed to correctly end an agreement, including using the approved form to provide reasons for ending the agreement and allowing the right amount of time for the notice period.

914.3 kB Download

Entry and privacy fact sheet

The owner/manager must take reasonable steps to ensure tenants have quiet enjoyment of their rented home. This means the owner/manager must not interfere with the tenant’s reasonable peace, comfort and privacy in using the premises.

853.1 kB Download

General tenancy agreements fact sheet

A General tenancy agreement (Form 18a) is the agreement between a tenant and a lessor/agent which sets out the terms that apply to the tenant’s stay in general tenancies such as houses, units and townhouses.

874.8 kB Download

New renter checklist – moving in

Renting for the first time can be exciting and there are things you can do at every stage to help make the process go smoothly. Use the checklist below to know where you stand and know what to do before you start looking, when you apply for a rental property and during your agreement.

1 MB Download

New renter checklist - moving out

If you’re moving out of your first rental, it’s important you know the processes and steps around ending a tenancy. This RTA checklist can help guide you through the moving out process. 

550.4 kB Download

New tenant checklist

This checklist provides you with the important information you should check before and after signing your new tenancy agreement.

936.4 kB Download

Rental bonds fact sheet

A rental bond (also known as a deposit) is money paid by the tenant at the start of a tenancy agreement. It is used as financial protection for the lessor in case the tenant breaches the terms of the agreement.

902.5 kB Download

Renting with pets fact sheet

Tenants are required to seek the lessor’s consent to keep a pet at the rental property. Lessors can provide approval subject to reasonable conditions as agreed with the tenant, or refuse the request only based on specific reasons under the legislation.

865.9 kB Download

Repair orders fact sheet

A repair order ensures that managing parties take action to address repairs to a rental property and its inclusions in a timely manner. 

From 1 October 2022, tenants have the option to apply for a repair order from the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) for routine and emergency repairs.

848.7 kB Download

Sub-letting fact sheet

If a tenant would like to sub-let a room in a rental property, they must get written permission from the property manager/owner. Approved occupants should also be listed in the special terms of the tenancy agreement.

770.2 kB Download

Tenancy databases

Tenancy databases are legitimate tools that give lessors a means of protecting their property investments.

837.8 kB Download

Water charging fact sheet

Lessors are allowed to pass on the full water consumption charges (including bulk water charges) to tenants provided all the minimum criteria have been met.

907.6 kB Download